Get to know your group when you arrive. Having a great group to go with makes the trip ten times more fun, a bachelor party without the wedding.
Travel with a group of men all looking to party hard, drink and have fun, and enjoy some of the most beautiful women in the world.
An Alpha guide ain’t a bad thing to have encase you get lost, or drunk, or a lil wild. He’s there to guide you and translate, so that you can relax and have a worry free trip.
Have fun and get laid. You will meet the most gorgeous women, we take you to places where you are guaranteed to bang. Consider this a chance to realize a dream.
Medellin, Colombia is a prime trip and one of our most famous. Providing an experience to one of the coolest places in Columbia, a pre-organized four day party which has everything your heart could desire. 4 days of Extreme sports and gorgeous women.